Thursday, July 15, 2010

Swimming for Infants

It is widely known that water has a positive effect on the body of the child. And if you want your baby to master water space from the first months of life, you will have to work hard. In this article - a few tips to parents.

What good swimming?
Classes in the water lead to the improvement of respiratory and circulatory system, removed the load on the spine and produces the correct posture. Active movement in the water strengthens bones and muscles, prevents the development of flatfoot. Water irritates many nerve receptors that are located on the skin - it promotes motor and mental reactions. Grew stronger and sleep, improves appetite and increases the general tone of the body. Children who are constantly engaged in swimming, and less prone to colds, because being in the water contributes to hardening of the body.
However, studies with a small child are quite different from the preparation of adult athletes, swimmers, so if you decide to teach baby to swim, you will be asked patience, work and good humor. Usually, parents who themselves were engaged in swimming, and positively disposed to the water "procedures", and this increases their success in a few times.

When can I start classes?
It is believed that classes can begin 2-3 weeks after birth when the umbilical wound healed. At this time, the children still retained reflex breath by ingestion of water on his face. But over time it will disappear, so the water treatment at home is better to start when the baby reaches one month of age. Nine months before the birth of a baby floating in the amniotic fluid, so you may be happy to accept and bath. And the lessons in the pool practiced in children's clinics with two or three months of age, after the child has already acquired the skills of the initial finding in the water.
Recruitment of children in the group is with the permission of the district pediatrician on the testimony of health. Contraindications to be serious problems, such as weeping dermatitis, child paralysis, epilepsy and heart diseases. In any case, even if you decide to do with the child in the bathroom, need advice pediatrician or other specialists.
Prerequisites for employment with the baby:
• Classes are best carried out in a big bath - in a small bath for bathing your baby will be crowded. Before the lessons bath to disinfect.
• You will need a thermometer to continuously monitor the temperature of the water and air in the room.
The water temperature at the first lesson should be 37C, and every two weeks is recommended to reduce the temperature of the water half a degree and achieve a tempering effect, to 32S.
The air temperature in the bathroom should not differ greatly from the temperature in other rooms, and at 20-22 °. Therefore, the door to the bathroom during sessions should be fully open, so as not to create the effect of "bath".
• You will need the clock with a stopwatch to monitor the duration of occupation.
Time per session on the first month of training is determined by weighing a baby at birth: 5 -10 minutes with the original weight of 2.5 -3 kg. Each month, currently growing at 3 minutes, gradually reaching 40-45 minutes.
It is easier to conduct classes in the daytime, because they have a tonic effect, and when sailing at night, can disrupt nighttime sleep baby.
The optimal time for training - 40 minutes after eating.
• After school crumbs to eat. Therefore, Mother's milk is simply indispensable for recuperation.
• After swimming well dry ears of the child. Use the cotton balls, which is necessary to drain the ears, the water should soak in cotton wool.
• Kid gets used to load slowly, so the schedule is better to build so that the child had been "off".
The most convenient address three times a week - is focused on the health of the child and their personal employment. For convenience, you can create a special blog where you will observe the days of occupation, their duration, the temperature of the water and air, as well as doing the exercise.

And finally, most importantly:
Engage with the child should be when he in a good mood, he fed, do not want to sleep, he did not interfere. Swimming is desirable to make an exciting game that will be fun and you and your child. Do not start classes, if the child is not feeling very or somewhat upset. Otherwise, he may develop a persistent aversion to water.

A few exercises for your baby:
Exercise 1.
With his right hand for back child support, his left hand - his chest. Can support for the armpits. The first classes - baby face turned to her mother.
Little stands in the water for 15 seconds.
Exercise 2.
From the starting position, "conducting" a baby face forward along the bathroom. The child must move the legs to simulate walking.
Then repeat the first exercise.
Exercise 3.
We support the baby's chin in his right hand. The middle finger gently regards the neck, and index - is above the water. The left hand mom - at the bottom of tummy.
In this position, simulating swimming. We carry out "eight" and turns - from the right side of bath, make a U-turn from the left wall, floating to the right - make a U-turn.
To start, you can drill two and then three.
Exercise 4.
"Diving". The first step you have to depict simulated diving. From the starting position, lying on his chest, right arm when mom is on the chin, left hand Pour face kid from the nose. Starting with a few sprays, be sure water does not get in eyes and mouth kid. The amount of water to gradually increase.
Later, when the baby will master the body of water, this procedure replaces the smooth immersion of the lower face of the child in water for 1,2 or 3, but not more than 4 seconds!
After diving again sailing on his chest "eights" (upr.3), and then rest - stand in water for 15 seconds (upr.1)
Advice for parents: Be sure to accompany speech lessons! Let the kid learn to understand the words: "stop", "Go," "Swim," "dive", "to push. Exact terms reinforce motor skills of the child.
Exercise 5.
The right hand holds the baby's mother for his neck, left behind her ass.
Make a straight motion, simulating backstroke. Alternating diving head first and forth legs. However, in the early stages, it is necessary to exclude the ingress of water in the face of the child.
Then again rest - 15 seconds (upr.1)
Exercise 7.
Are passing the length of the bath on his chest or back, with the baby pushes with legs from the wall of the bathroom. And the rest 15 seconds (upr.1)
Exercise 6.
Starting position "standing" support the baby to his chest and ass or armpits.The infant bends and straightens legs, simulating a curtsy.

Never leave a baby unattended in the water!
For beginners, kids swim lesson can limit the implementation of the first four exercises in the sequence 1-2-3 times, very gradually increasing the load. Stay duration classes!
Choosing the mode best Consult a Methodist or a coach for swimming. They will be able to choose an individual study plan with your baby.'

By: Toronto Escort Reivews