Thursday, July 15, 2010

Why You Should Swim

Swimming - a great way to reduce stress, to throw off excess weight, tone up emotional state, to maintain excellent physical shape, and have a great time. Few refuse the offer to visit the swimming pool - swim and love children, and adults.

Medicinal properties of navigation on the body of recognized experts. During the voyage relaxation and tension most of the muscles of the body are alternated, which increases their efficiency and strength. In the water stress of the body decreases, as well as the load on the spine, produced the correct posture. It should highlight the fact that the active work of the legs in the water strengthens the foot and prevents the development of flatfoot.

Constantly busy swimming have a beneficial effect on blood circulation and respiratory system. This is due to rhythmic work muscles that are active in overcoming the resistance of water. Improving the mobility of the chest, heart function, increases lung capacity.

Systematic training swim very positive impact on strengthening the body: increased immunological properties, improving the mechanism of thermoregulation, improved adaptation to different environmental conditions. Also, normalize the nervous system, sleep becomes stronger, improves appetite, improved traffic increases the general tone of the body, increases stamina.

Unusual for a man of horizontal body position during swimming, staying in a position to reduce the impact forces of gravity, the possibility of a strictly metered motor activity beneficial effect on the body.

Now swimming is one of the best practices of therapeutic exercises for the development and strengthening of cardiac activity. Classes swimming - excellent training of the respiratory system.

Swimming loads lead to lower excess body fat, but people with severe thinness stimulate an increase in subcutaneous tissue, which, together with an increase in muscle strength and improves posture.

Swimming - this is a wonderful choice for your health! To study swimming organize various sports complexes and swimming pools in which the instructors will help you not only have a good time, but will also enhance your health.

By: Toronto Escorts